• TOP Retailer Europe 2022
  • Fast delivery
  • Large selection
  • Excellent service

Customer Service

Contact Hogsta Ridsport

If you have any questions, please contact us. Call us at the store or write us an email with your questions.

Phone: +46 8-759 05 07 
E-mail: info@hogstaridsport.com

Shop opening hours:
Weekdays 10am - 7pm
Sat-Sun  10am - 4pm

Hogsta Ridsport
Hogsta 12, Lambaruddsvägen

Orgnr. 556791-3107


We collaborates with Klarna and use Klarna Check Out who collaborates with Billie. Read Billie's terms of use here

KCO means a quick check-out- if you have previously purchased with Klarna, you only need to enter your zip code and your e-mail address. If it is the first time you use Klarna, you need to fill in your personal identification number, telephone number and e-mail address.
Not every country uses Klarna Check-Out. The countrys that use Klarna Check-out are: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany and Austria. And other countries pay by card.
You choose payment method during step 2.  

Through Klarna you can choose a variety of payment options:

* Invoice - You pay when you received your goods. The invoice will be sent by e-mail and paid within 14 days.   
* Klarna Direct - You pay directly at checkout with mobile bank ID. The money is automatically deducted when the item is shipped.
* Card Payment 
* Part payment - At the time of the purchase, you can choose for how long you want to pay


When you pay via Klarna invoice you shop safe and easy. 

  • Always receive the item before you pay
  • Payment time - always 14 days
  • You never need to submit card details
  • Always 14 days right to withdrawal in accordance with distance and home sales laws*
  • Download you invoices from klarna.com
  • Possibility of partial payment

There is no administration fee. If payment is not received, a reminder fee of 60.00 SEK will be added for purchase over 60 SEK and and also interest on overdue payment of 24.00 % plus current reference rate. At the time of the purchase, a credit check is made, which in some cases means that a credit report is taken. Then you will receive a copy of the credit report by mail. Personal data is handled in accordance with the legislation. Klarna handles personal information in order to carry out customer analysis, identification, credit checks and marketing. Social security number is used as customer number for customer management purposes. 

* Not applicable to all goods and services, for example, air travel, events and custom made goods. 

Klarna AB, organizations number SE556737-0431

Klarna information about part payments

Part payment is the payment method for you who want to choose how much you pay each month. Klarna account is also more than that. In addition to the fact that you always get your goods before you pay, you collect all your purchases in an account. This applies even if you have purchased in several different stores with Klarna account. This means just one invocie, regardless of the number of purchases. 

  • Always get the item before you pay
  • Pay from 50 SEK /month or 1/24 of the total amount
  • You never need to submit card details
  • All your purchases are collected on an account and on one invoice
  • Shop now- pay at the end of next month
  • An administration fee of 29 SEK, regardless of the number of purchases
  • You can pay the full amount at any time

In case of a purchase of 10000 SEK with Klarna account basic terms, the setup fee is 0 SEK. The current annual rate is 19.90, which corresponds to an effective interest rate of 29.22 %. The credit purchase price is 11458 SEK. The number of installments is 12 and each part is 955 SEK. The example assumes that the payment will take place over one year. 

At the time of the purchase, a credit check is made, which in some cases means that a credit report is taken. You will receive a copy of the credit report by mail. 


Klarnas general terms and conditions can be found here   

Standardized European consumer Credit Information can be found here

Read the part payment terms here

If you select part payment and agree to the agreement, it also means that you agree to the terms of payment shown in the link above. 


Other conditions

Age restriction       
If you are under 18, the parents permission is required to shop with us. 

Personal data

You must, by law, agree that we process data about you. Hogsta Ridsport will not allow any third party to access your information without your approval. You are entitled to view the information of you stored about you. For more information, see the last section "Processing of personal data" at he bottom of this page. We use third-party cookies from Trustpilot.

Product information

Hogsta Ridsport reserves to the print error that may be found on the website. We do not guarantee that the pictures accuratley reflect the acutal appearance or color of the product. 

Force Majeur

In case of war, warlike events, civil war, revolution, insurgency, government action, strike, lockout, natural disaster or similar events, Hogsta Ridsport wil be able to apply force majeure. This means that this agreement does not need to be completed to some or all. If this happens, we will try to inform you. 

Delivery time

Usually, we ship yout goods the day after you made your order. We use DHL and Postnord, when we ship goods in Sweden. To Norway and other countries, can also Bring be used as a shipping partner. 

When the package has arrived at your place of delivery, you will receive a notification via DHL/Postnord message that the package has arrived. If we are missing your phone number you get the notification via e-mail. 

From the date of receiving the notification, you have 14 days to pick up the package. If the package is not retrieved within that time it will be sent in return to us. We will charge you 40 EUR for shipping and handling costs for not picked up packages.  

Prices and shipping costs
The shipping is 69 SEK within Sweden, for other countries, your package will be sent at an average cost for each country. 

Other Purchasing Information

All prices are including 25 % VAT. Prices are valid until new prices comes, with reservation to misprints or significant price or currency changes at the supplier. 

It´s easy to shop with us! Just make your order in the webshop, it can be done around the clock. Please call or e-mail us before purchase if you are wondering about something, such as exact measurments or exact colors if you are unsure of any product. You can call us weekdays 10am-6pm or weekends 10am -4am on phone number +4687590507 or e-mail us at info@hogstaridsport.com 

When you place an order in our online store, our system automatically sends an order confirmation to your e-mail. Once we have checked that all your goods are available, we will send an order confirmation confirming your order. Read the order confirmation carefully after you have received it and check if it matches the order. We reserve the right to cancel part or all of your order if the product you ordered has sold out or has other errors. In case of special order, no order or right of cancellation applies, an order confirmation will be sent to the agreed product.


We reserve the right to cancel orders, irrespective of errors such as inventory balance, price, technical issues or mass orders. In case of error, you have the right to cancel your purchase. We also reserve for delays and final sales.

Specially ordered goods                                                                                                                    Products that are customized (custom sizes, dimensions and designs) are exempt from the right to withdrawl pursuant to act (2005:59) Chapter 2, Section 11. These goods are not entitled to return.

If a product appears to be sold out, we will notify you via email or phone. You then have the option to choose if you want to wait for the item or cancel your order. If your order concerns multiple items, you can choose if you want to wait for the missing item and get all the goods at the same time or order the item at a later date. If you want you can also part deliver your order but if the part ordered amount is below SEK 1500, there will be an additional charge for shipping. 

Transportation damage 
If a product is damaged after shipping, you must report this directly to DHL upon receipt.

1. If you regret your purchase and want to return the item to us, you have the right to return or replace the iteam within 14 days from the day you receive the item. This assumes that you have not used the product and that the item is returned in an undamaged condition and in the original packaging. The iteam should be returned in the same condition as when you purchased it. Hogsta Ridsport reserves the right to accept or refuse refund if the product is not in a sellable condition. If the product is returned and not in a good condition, Hogsta Ridsport has the right to deduct a cost for used product, 10-50 %.

Return and replacement rights do not apply to specially ordered goods.

When returning or exchanging goods, you pay the return shipping cost yourself. You can buy a return shipping lable in our webshop. Fill in the return form to let us know what makes you dissatisfied with the item and whether you want a replacement item or not.

2. Send the item and the return form back to us. All returned items must be well packed and packed in a box or bag. When you return the item, put the item as well as the original carton/package in a box or bag. Tape or address cards must never appear directly on the original packaging as it will be destroyed and we will not be able to refund the full amount for the item. Hogsta Ridsport reserves the right to make a deduction of 50 SEK for dirty or damaged product packaging.

You are responsible for the goods until we receive it. The product is sent to Hogsta Ridsport, 178 93 Drottningholm, Sweden.

3. Once we have received and approved your return, you will receive a refund via Klarna. The refund usually takes 5-14 days after we have received the item. Customs charges, return shipping and shipping is not refundable.

4. When returning, you are responsible for the transport risk. When you are shipping items worth higher sums, we recommend sending returns via DHL. Use the return shipping note included in the package. If you need a new return shipping note, contact us and we will email a new one.

Free return in our store.
We do not solve incomplete franked consignments and consignments where the recipient pays the shipping.

In the case of a return due to damaged goods or that we have sent you the wrong item, we will refund you for the return cost and for the amount of the item if the item is out of stock. If we have it in stock we will replace you with a new one.

NOTE! We do not refund the original shipping cost.

In case of replacement, return or reclaim, we refer to the Consumer Agency's e-commerce rules. (Consumer purchase law)

For questions regarding our policy, please contact us at the store on +468759 05 07 or by e-mail reklamation@hogstaridsport.com


1. You have full exchange within 14 days. This assumes that you have not used the product and returned in undamaged condition in the original packaging. The item should be returned in the same condition as when you purchased it. If the product is out of date, Hogsta Ridsport has the right to deduct a cost for used product, 10-50 %.

Enter hogstaridsport.com to search for the desired product. Contact us to see if the desired item is in stock. Our telephone number is +468759 05 07 or by e-mail info@hogstaridsport.com. Our opening hours is weekdays 10am-7am and weekends 10am-4pm.

2. After you talked to us, fill in the return form you got in your package. The return form can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

3. Send the item and the return form back to us. All returned items must be well packed and packed in a box or bag. When you return the item, put the item as well as the original carton/package in a box or bag. Tape or address cards must never appear directly on the original packaging as it will be destroyed and we will not able to refund the full amount for the item. Hogsta Ridsport reserves the right to make a deduction of 50 SEK for dirty or damaged product packaging.

You are responsible for the goods until we receive it. The item is sent to Hogsta Ridsport, 178 93, Drottningholm, Sweden.

In case of change, you will pay for the return cost and customs charges.

4. Once we have received and approved the return, we will send you the new item. If the new product is more expensive, you pay the difference and if it is cheaper, we will refund you the difference. A exchange usually takes 2-7 working days after we receive your product. Any refund will normally be made within 1-2 weeks (accordning to law max 30 days apply.)

5. In case of change, you are responsible for the risk during transportation. When you have bought products for a higher sum we recommend sending the package via DHL. 

Return due to the package not being retrieved

Can be seen as a return or that you have simply missed out on picking up your package in time.
We can then send you the goods again at a shipping cost of SEK 150.
If you have chosen not to pick up the package because you have regretted and therefore let it go back, we will charge you a handling cost of SEK 400 which is our handling cost.
That amount will be deducted from the refund we make to you when we have received your return.


If the product is damaged, defect or incomplete, you have the right to make a complaint. The complaint must be made within a reasonable time from the time you discovered the error. 2 moths are considered reasonable.

1. Start by contacting us on +468759 05 07 or sending an e-mail to reklamation@hogstaridsport.com as soon as you discover the error. Attach a picture of the complaint. An image facilitates the assessment and can speed up the process. If you come to the store, be sure to bring the receipt to make the reclaim.

2. After talking with us, fill in the return form. You will find the return form as a file at the bottom of this page. It is important that you have a clear description of what the complaint concerns. The product you return should be well cleaned or washed. Hogsta Ridsport reserves the right to charge a fee of 150 SEK/product for any cleaning before we ship the product to the supplier. 

3. Send the item and the return form to us. You can buy a return shipping lable in our webshop. You are responsible for the item until we receive it. 

Send the item to the address: Hogsta Ridsport, 178 93 Drottningholm, Sweden. 

4. In consultation with the supplier, we will make a decision to replace the item or repairing the item, primarily we will repair the item. Once we have received the item and approved the complaint, will we repair the item if possible. Otherwise, we will send you a new product, provided it is in stock. Should none of the above two options be possible, we will refund you what you paid for the item. 

Download the return form here

Processing of personal data

May 25, 2018 a new common law regulating how companies can process personal data- the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came in place in Sweden and the rest for the EU. 

You as a customer are entitled to receive information from Hogsta Ridsport, which personal information we have about you, how to correct incorrect inforamtion and how to ask us to stop using your information. Personal data is information that can identify you as a physical person such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, social security number, but also pitcures and purchase history. We use third-party cookies from Trustpilot.

We ensure that your personal information is protected by us and that the processing complies with current data protection rules. We will never sell your personal infomation.

At Hogsta Ridsport, we need your personal information to: 

  • Be able to handle a purchase in the store or online and deliver an ordered item (including delivery notice)
  • Handle complaints
  • Offer different payment solutions, check your address to Klarna, manage payment history data and payment methods, prevent or detect fraud. 
  • View relevant product information, be able to send offers or invitations to event via email.
  • Be able to communicate with you by contacting customer service, email and in our social media accounts.
  • Communicate with participants who participate in a contest, appoint winners and give prizes, communicate before and after events. Manage marketing activities like competitions and prizes.
  • Make our services more user-friendly, develop support to improve and develop our product range and planning of deliveries.
  • Provide statistics on the use of our digital channels and the technical platforms on which they are provided. 

Technical data such as IP address, unique device ID, type of browser and cookie information can be collected when using our digital services. For example, collecting our personal information in various forms on our digital channels or services, communicating with Hogsta Ridsport via social media, signing up for events or submitting comments via email or phone. We use third-party cookies from Trustpilot.

If you participate in competitions and other promotional activities that we organize, contest and additional personal data you choose to submit to us may be dealt with. 

Personal data will only be processed by us for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose of the treatment or to comply with Hogsta Ridsport's legal obligations. Hogsta Ridsport treats your personal information in accordance with apllicable law. 

By purchasing from Hogsta Ridsport, online or in our store, you agree that we use your personal information. 

If you wish to remove your personal information, please feel free to contact us. You can contact us by e-mail: info@hogstaridsport.com or phone +468759 05 07